The Ted Haggard Monologues

A mega-church pastor is outed on television by his gay prostitute lover (and meth dealer), and America’s most religious family is under siege. An award-winning one-man play, THE TED HAGGARD MONOLOGUES, is based on the true story of the Ted Haggard sex (and drugs) scandal. Through nine characters, some real and some fictional—all played by writer Michael Yates Crowley—we follow the Haggards as they react to the news and confront their own buried desires. Painfully funny and awkwardly beautiful, they pray for understanding, vengeance, or simply a boyfriend. In the end, they forgive Ted Haggard—because, as one family member says, “Want is simple, and I think that makes it American, and I know it is right.”

“[A] terrific showcase for its author/performer, Michael Yates Crowley, who proves himself to be a deft and charismatic actor and clever and articulate playwright…[the] writing is impressive…and the monologues are alternately funny, touching, and provocative.”
–Martin Denton,
“Crowley is a talented writer and a deft performer… a very promising debut from a very gifted group of young artists.”
–Andy Horowitz, Culturebot

Production Info
Written and performed by Michael Yates Crowley
Directed by Michael Rau
Premiered at: The Collective Unconscious, as part of the undergroundzero festival
Toured: Theater Bielefeld as part of the undergrounzero festival