Dear Wolf 359 Friends,
You’re invited to a workshop of our newest project, as part of the new Beyond the Realm festival — tickets are free and very limited so RSVP soon to guarantee a seat!
written by Michael Yates Crowley
directed by Michael Rau
scenography by Sara C Walsh
sound and video by Asa Wember
shows: Feb. 20, 22, and 23
presented by The Playwrights Realm
RSVP for free HERE (limited seats! reserve soon!)
The Block Association Project takes the technology we built for our last show, temping, and blows it all the way up. Join us for the first meeting of the Oak Street Block Association. We’ve got a lot to talk about. Starting with:
- raccoons
- streetlights
- voting procedures
- just who’s in charge here????
Your opinions are encouraged. Just remember one thing: the block association is a politics-free zone! After all, we’re all neighbors here, no matter whose signs are on our lawns.
Wolf 359 invites you to a play that spills outside the boundaries of theater, and a story that crosses space and time. It is also a potluck. Fire up your ovens and nurse your grievances, dear neighbors.
Welcome to the Block Association.